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Whitehall, MI @ The Playhouse at White Lake



"Wild Whitehall"presented    bv  NuCanoe  

     Whitehall, MI

     June 7-8th, 2024

@ The Playhouse at White Lake


Our second stop Whitehall, MI, which boasts numerous beautiful lakes full of largemouth and smallmouth bass PLUS several incredible rivers and creeks flowing into those lakes. Anglers will be challenged to choose between targeting largemouth in the slower moving and/or vegetation-rich waters, or smallmouth that roam the rivers and clearer lake sections. Whatever your strong suit as a kayak angler you'll be able fish it at Wild Whitehall and catch A LOT of fish during this event! 

With so much incredible water within an hour, the hardest decision may be "where" anglers finally settle down on tournament day/s. The good news though, with all that water in play, everyone will have a great time exploring. Numerous bodies of water in bounds also increases the odds of finding, and having, a honey hole all to yourself themselves when its "lines in" time...of course that's easier said than done! 

Our Closing Ceremonies will take place in the newly renovated Playhouse at White Lake, boasting seating for over 350 and an expanded lobby with concessions so you better get your popcorn ready because it's going to be kayak fishing results SHOW you won't want to miss!  

The Whitehall Water

A diverse group of lakes, rivers and creeks that feed into the blue waters of Lake Michigan. Will you target largemouth in

lush aquatic vegetation, or the current focused smallies? Decisions and exploration await at the Wild Whitehall event. 

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"Wild Whitehall" Basic Event Information (scroll down for hour by hour itenirary & more detailed info)
*(if) any ch
anges are made on this page after it goes live, that could affect the competition portion of the event, they will be updated & kept red for 1 year

Tournament Dates:  June 7 & 8th                                                     Official Kayak Sponsor of "Wild Whitehall" 

Tournament WeekJune 2-9th

Host City/ies: Whitehall, MI & Montague, MI -

River/LakesWhite Lake & White River {} Muskegon Lake & Muskegon River {} Spring Lake Grand River {} Rogue River {} Stony Lake {} Duck Lake {} Mona Lake {} Pentwater Lake {} Pere Marquette Lake & Pere Marquette River {} Bass Lake {} Hamlin Lake {} Lincoln Lake 

---  Scroll down this page for detailed map w/ boundaries & preview video.

Registration/Divisions:  (Scoring powered by the "Realtree Fishing Realtime Leaderboard powered by TourneyX)

  • Individual Angler Division presented by Torqeedo  {}  $150 per angler {} Learn More  {}  1st 50 anglers get $100 gift bag                           

  •  X2 Team Division presented by X-2 Power {}  $150 per team ($75 an angler) {} Learn More  {}                          

    • How to ​

  • Z-MAN's "Micro Finesse" Micro Bag division {} 5 Smallest bass (min 5-inches) {} $25 per angler {} Learn More {}                           

  • Crescent Kids by 5-Star Heating & Air {} $75 per angler (enters them in Individual Division) {} 16 & under {}                          

  • Batteries Plus+ Sunday Side Pot Tournament  {}  $25 per angler {} Learn More  {}                           

Other Divisions / Awards (ways to win): 

  • Michigan Kayak Trail joint event

  • Topwater Kayak Series joint (Fri only) event 

  • Boonedox Big Bass: longest bass award receives the KAS Big Bass Bling  trophy...just wait. 

  • GoPro's Epic Edit Award:  Best edit of the previous KAS tournament to be shown on the theater big screen as a "preview" before awards

  • Crosskix Century Belt:  All anglers who catch 100+ inches at a tournament will receive a century belt award on stage at that event13 Fishing's $13,000 

  • "Tackle for Trash": Angler who picks up the most unique trash item while on the water wins $100 gift card to TBD

  • Raffle Kayak/s: PNuCanoe Unlimited 10. Proceeds going towards Pediatric Cancer through the PUNT Foundation.

  • Day 2 Darkhorse: presented by, who else, Darkhorse Tackle: Angler who jumps the most places from Day 1 to Day 2 

  • Crescent Kids Kayak: The top youth at each event will win a Crescent kayak, thanks to 5 Star Heating & Air  & Crescent Kayaks

  • Aggressively Average Anglers "Average Joe": Angler who finished dead middle of the pack receives gear from Aggressively Average Anglers. 

Opening Ceremonies: Held at the Montague Band Shell 8636 Water St, Montague, MI 49437 w/ additional parking at the Montague Municiple Boat Launch right next door. Food Trucks will be on site.  THURSDAY 

Kayak Fishing Devotion: Thursday @6pm-6:15pm @ Montague Band Shell  THURSDAY 

Bass U Brunch, presented by Bass University: 10:00am-12:30 @ Waterdog Outfitters  FRIDAY 

Caps at 50 anglers so sign up soon. Breakfast/Brunch provided. Price - FREE
However, a $30 donation is "suggested." Pay what you can, be it more or less than $30 to support these seminars! 

Bass U Brunch Seminar Schedule 

  • 10:30-11:25am - "Smallie Talk Live" - Mega river smallies in the "non-obvious" locations w/ Jeff Little, Drew Gregory & Josh Chrenko

  • 11:35-12:25pm - "All About Craws" w/ Dr. Reid Morehouse - Dr. Morehouse truck was vandalized and computer and HDs stolen. We'll reschedule with him.

Closing Ceremonies Social (Yard Games, Kayak Demos, Food etc): Covell Park & Boat Ramp between Whitehall & Montague  SATURDAY 

Closing Ceremonies (Awards Show): The Playhouse at White Lake 304 S Mears Ave, Whitehall, MI 49461  SATURDAY 

Closing Ceremonies (Afterparty): North Grove Brewing 8735 Water St, Montague, MI 49437  SATURDAY 

Non-fishing KAS Sanctioned Event (open to all friends & family): Silver Lake Sand Dunes (short) hike & lunch  SATURDAY 

Kayak Demos: Saturday 2pm-5:30pm @ Covell Park provided by Waterdog Outfitters  SATURDAY 

Recommended Lodging/Camping: *The Weathervane Inn* (OfficialHotelPartner - 20% off) {} Montgomery Inn and Suites {}  Lewis House Bed and Breakfast {} Maple Tree Inn   {} White Lake Log Cabin Resort {} White River RV Park & Campground {} Karner Blue Campground {} Trailway Campground (RVs or Campers)  {} Whitehall Cottages {} Comfort Inn {} Oak Knoll Family Campground {} Big Blue Lake Cottages {} PLACES TO STAY {} Double JJ resort {} Muskegon KOA

Recommended Fishing/Kayak Retailers: Waterdog Outfitters  {} Johnsons Great Outdoors {} Happy Mohawk Canoe Livery

Recommended Restaurants/bars: North Grove Brewing (site of Saturday's afterparty {} The Gnarly Heifer  {} Dog n Suds {} Bone Ends  {} Mylan's Waterfront Grille  {} Fetch Brewing {} Pekadill's {} The Homestead Restaurant and Bakery {} San Marcos {} Sawyers Brewing {} Oh Brothers {} Colby's Cafe {} White Lake Nutrition {} Big John's Pizza {} Old Channel Inn {} Pub One Eleven {} Red Rooster Tavern {} Book Nook Java Shop {} PLACES TO EAT

Recommended Non-fishing Activities / Sites to see: Silver Lake State Park sand dunes (hike or dune buggy rentals) {} Michigan's Adventure (amusement & water park) {} Putters Creek (mini golf, go-karts) {} Clear Springs Nature Preserve {} Duck Lake State Park {} AquaStar Cruises (lake Michigan boat tour) {} Double JJ Ranch (horses, waterpark, lodging, restaurants) {} Lewis Adventure Farm & Zoo {} Muskegon Luge Adventure Sports Park (mountain luge, hiking, archery, zip lines) {} The Colby Escape Room {} White Lake Lighthouse & Museum {} THINGS TO DO

Supporting Riverkeepers: White River Watershed Partnership & Muskegon River Watershed Assembly 

Supporting Charity: Pediatric Cancer through PUNT Foundation via NuCanoe kayak raffle 

sponsor for Whitehall MI event

The Playhouse at White Lake 

        Location of the Closing Ceremony Awards Show

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"Wild Whitehall Detailed Itinerary

January 17th --

January 17th -----

May 23 - June 6 --

June 2nd   -----

June 3rd    -----

June 6th    ------

June 7th   -------

June 9th  -------

  Early registration begins

  Official Preview Livestream/Podcast on the Kayak Adventure Series YouTube Channel ------->

  Pre-fishing window begins (max of 4 days on the water within this 2-week window)

  Early registration ends

  Late Registration begins (ends June 6th). Increased entry fee, no registration gift bag
 Thursday - Opening Ceremony Social @Montague Band Shell

4:00pm - Check in & late registrations begin

4:00pm - Food trucks, Drinks, Merch tents, yard games, kayak demos begin

5:30pm - Pre-fishing ends (must be off water)

6:00pm - Live Music begins 

6:30pm - Check in & late registration ends

7:00pm -7:30pm - Options Q&A Rules briefing

7:30pm - 8:30pm - Food trucks, drinks, music, games - HAVE FUN!

 Friday - "Afternoon Sesh"  4-hour afternoon sesh to get the tournament started

AM: Rigging, shuttling, exploring, scouting etc all allowed - NO LAUNCHING or FISHING

10:00am - Bass U Brunch @ Waterdog Outfiitters (speakers & times above)

2:30pm - Launching, paddling, pedaling, motoring allowed (no fishing). "Check in" on TourneyX app

3:00pm - Your "Afternoon Seshlines in; tournament weekend officially begins!

7:00pm - Lines out; day 1 fishing ends

8:15pm - All fish submission photos due

8:15pm - 8:30pm - LIVE Day 1 recap & Day 2 ID released

 Saturday - "Send it Saturday" presented by Uncle Larry's Outdoors #neverendthesend

5:30am - Launching, paddling, pedaling, motoring allowed (no fishing)

6:00am - Lines in ; tournament day 2 officially begins

9:30am - official family, friends & fans activity - TBD

2:00pm - Festival begins (food, merch tents, kayak demos, kids zone, games etc) @ Covell Park

3:00pm - Lines out, day 2 fishing ends

3:00pm - 4:00pm - Don't forget to check out on Tourney X

4:15pm - All fish submission photos due

5:30pm - Festival ends; head to The Playhouse at White Lake for Closing Ceremony Awards

5:30pm - Fisherman's Faith Fellowship (open to all) @ The Playhouse at White Lake

6:00-7:00pm - Closing Ceremony Awards @ The Playhouse at White Lake

7:00pm - Winner/s photos on stage

7:15pm - Winners press conference/livestream
7:30pm until the night ends - Afterparty @ North Grove Brewers (outside beer garden)

 Batteries Plus+ Sunday Side Pot Tournament (6 hours fishing from your "check in" time on TourneyX)

Lines in @ your "check in" time on TourneyX
Lines out 6 hours after your "check in"

Photos due by 8pm, winners & results posted on KAS Socials

   - Travel Safe...see you at the next adventure

June 8th  --------

June 6th    ------

Montague Band Shell 

Location of the Opening Ceremonies adjacent to Montague Boat Ramp

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 Wild Whitehall's "Adventure Course"

Whitehall, MI

Eligible water, hard boundaries, launch boundaries, opening & closing ceremonies etc

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Eligible Water Adventure Course Map >>
Eligible Core Bodies of Water **

White Lake  - Muskegon Lake - Spring Lake - Duck Lake -

Mona Lake - Pentwater Lake - Pere Marquette Lake - 

Bass Lake - Hamlin Lake - Lincoln Lake - Stony Lake

White River - Muskegon River - Pere Marquette River -

Grand River - Rogue River 

** including any and all free flowing canals, creeks & rivers feeding them. When scouting (online or in person) track all tributaries upstream until you hit any of the following man-made obstacles - solid or earthen dam, a road, culvert or pipe etc that you cannot kayak under/over. Any of these are hard KAS boundaries. A "spillway" or "lowhead" type dam is legal  in KAS and anglers can fish, access & around them. They are just "running the river" and are different from "solid or earthen" dams that have water flowing under the dam via a pipe or drain (think neighborhood or farm ponds, private lakes etc) or through larger outflows or turbines on larger public lakes. If the water above in a larger public lake is legal in KAS it will be marked and listed as one of your "core" bodies of water on this page/map. If not, then it is not legal for the event. 
Anglers must access "legally" and "publicly." If you find any water, or access, you feel may not be covered by the interactive map, preview video, or rules standards please contact the KAS Tournament Director prior to the event for clarification or risk being DQ'd from the event if it is later deemed to be not eligible. For help with determining "public" access you can also refer to the official Farwide Flowchart
Image by Jake Hills
Click play to take a tour of the eligible water for "Wild Whitehall." This is just a general preview of the eligible water to get you excited about the waters you're about to explore! Refer to the map above for a more precise and interactive experience 
showing all core bodies of water and any boundaries.
The unique thing about this event is the numerous in-bounds bodies of water. What will your strategy be - eliminate most with pre-tournament research and focus on just learning one or two well, or try and spend a little time on many of them during the practice period? One thing for sure, this decision will be a big part in what makes or breaks it for our winner!

Covell Park

Site of the Closing Ceremony Outdoor Social - food, drinks, kayak demos, games

Other Whitehall KAS Venues & Sites

Enjoy a town full of history, scenery, great restaurants, breweries and excellent facilities for the good times we'll have! 

© 2023 Kayak Adventure Series

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