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"Fiesta on the Susky" presented by Bonafide Kayaks

    Aug 9-10, 2024

    Towanda, PA

@ The Keystone Theater


The Susquehanna is always just that, a party. If you've ever been there you know this is the perfect name for this adventure. At this event we'll get to explore a branch of the river that just won the 2022 River of the Year award from the state of Pennsylvania - the North Branch Susquehanna River. 

The North Branch is a smallmouth mecca that, at times, looks like it came from the mind of Dr. Seuss. This section of river, that extends into New York, along with the Chemung River, has numerous tributaries that are also part of your Kayak Adventure Course, putting nearly 150 miles of flowing water in play. Unlike other branches of the river the North and its tributaries rarely flow through urban areas which keeps the water, and fishing, pristine.

We'll be in the quaint town of Towanda, where we'll hold our Closing Ceremonies Award Show at the locally renowned Keystone Theater. The facility seats over 400 and the architecture inside may be the most intricate of all the theaters we visit. This stage will be a special one to be on for the KAS anglers who earn that honor.

Susquehanna Waters

Sites of the North Branch Susquehanna, Chemung River and  creeks that make up the 2022  "PA River of the Year"

"Fiesta on the Susky" Basic Event Information (scroll down for hour by hour itenirary & more detailed info)

Tournament Dates:  August 9 & 10th                                               Official Kayak Sponsor of "Fiesta on the Susky"                                                                        Printable Identifiers >>>>

Tournament Week: August 4th-11th, 2024

Host City/ies: Towanda, PA -

River/Lakes: North Branch Susquehanna River {} Chemung River & any free flowing tributaries into those rivers

---  Scroll down this page for detailed map w/ boundaries & preview video.

Registration/Divisions:  (Scoring powered by the "Realtree Fishing Realtime Leaderboard powered by TourneyX)

Other Awards (ways to win): 

  • Kayak-Anglers of Eastern PA joint event {}

  • Keystone Kayak Anglers joint event {} 

  • Slay Nation "Battle of the Border" {} 

  • Boonedox Big Bass: longest bass award receives the KAS Big Bass Bling  trophy...just wait. 

  • GoPro's Epic Edit Award:  Best edit of the previous KAS tournament to be shown on the theater big screen as a "preview" before awards

  • Crosskix Century Belt:  All anglers who catch 100+ inches at a tournament will receive a century belt award on stage at that event13 

  • "Tackle for Trash": Angler who picks up the most unique trash item while on the water wins $100 gift card to TBD

  • Raffle Kayak/s: Bonafide RVR119 Proceeds going towards  and Pediatric Cancer through the PUNT Foundation

  • Day 2 Darkhorse: presented by, who else, Darkhorse Tackle: Angler who jumps the most places from Day 1 to Day 2 wins subscribtion box 

  • Crescent Kids Kayak: The top youth at each event will win a Crescent kayak, thanks to 5 Star Heating & Air  & Crescent Kayaks

  • Aggressively Average Anglers "Average Joe": Angler who finished dead middle of the pack receives gear from Aggressively Average Anglers.

Opening Ceremonies: Eastside Riverfront Park 227 Old Rte 6 Rd, Towanda (5-7pm)   THURSDAY  

Kayak Fishing Faith Fellowship: @ Eastside Riverfront Park  (6:15-6:30pm) THURSDAY 

Bass U Brunch, presented by Bass University: @ Keystone Theater (10-12:30pm)  FRIDAY 

  • 10:00 - breakfast is served 

  • 10:30-11:00am - John "Toast" Oast -  "Understanding North Branch Susquehanna Smallmouth" 

  • 11:05-11:35am - Drew Gregory - "Reading River Gauges & Incoming Weather to know what's fishable"

  • 11:40-12:15pm "Jigs & Bigs Live" podcast w/ Bobby Roastbeef & special guest roundtable Jeff Little & Drew Gregory

Closing Ceremonies FestivalEastside Riverfront Park  (3-5:30pm) SATURDAY

Closing Ceremonies (Awards Show)Keystone Theater @  601 Main St. (6-7:15pm) SATURDAY

Closing Ceremonies (Afterparty):  The Flying Taco Mexican Grill 7 State St. (7:30-11pm) SATURDAY

Non-fishing KAS Sanctioned Event (open to all friends & family): TDB SATURDAY

Kayak Demos: @ Eastside Riverfront Park during Closing Ceremonies Festival (2-5:30pm)  SATURDAY

Recommended Lodging/Camping: Larnard Hornbrook County Park (campground) {} Riverside Acres (campground) {} Pine Cradle Lake (cabins & campsites) {} Lake Bonin Campground {} Endless Mountain Campground {} Endless Mountain Outfitters (semi-primitive but w/ access to showers & restrooms inside shop) {} Crystal Springs Inn & Suites {} Best Western Plus {} Fairfield Inn & Suites {} Quality Inn  {} Bear Back Brooke {} Air Bnb {} Victorian Charm Inn {} Hatch House B&B

Recommended Fishing/Kayak Retailers: Endless Mountain Outfitters {} Five Mountain Outfitters {} T-Town Bait & Tackle {} D&M Bait {} Bucktail-lures {}

Recommended Restaurants/bars: The Flying Taco Mexican Grill (site of Saturday's afterparty {} Olivers Pub & Grill {} Shores Sisters {} Vincent's Pizza {} Kings on South Main (BBQ) {} Red Rose Diner {} Woody's Ale House {} Community Cup (breakfast & lunch) {} Villa Sena (dinner) {} Wildfire Grill

Recommended Non-fishing Activities / Sites to see: {} Mt Pisgah State Park {} Wyalusing Rocks Scenic Overlook {} Quilter Corners of Wyalusing {} Knapp's Covered Bridge {} Shores Sisters (trust us, go here) {} Grovedale Winery 

Supporting Local Riverkeepers: Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper

Supporting Charity/Raffle: Pediatric Cancer through PUNT Foundation via Bonafide RVR119 raffle 

Guests of Honor: Dr. Nathan Reigner (State of PA Director of Recreation)

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Keystone Theater

        Location of the Closing Ceremony Awards Show

"Fiesta on the Susky" Detailed Itinerary

January 31st

January 31st

July 25th-Aug 8th 

Aug 4th 

Aug 5th

Aug 8th

Aug 9th

Aug 10th

Aug 11th

 Early registration begins

 Official Preview Livestream/Podcast on the Kayak Adventure Series YouTube Channel

 Pre-fishing window begins (max of 4 days on the water within this 2-week window)

 Early registration ends

 Late Registration begins (ends Aug 8th). No registration gift bag
 Thursday - Opening Ceremony Social Eastside Riverfront Park

 5:00pm - Check in & late registration begins

 5:00pm - Merch tents & yard games open, food & drinks begin

 5:00pm - Pre-fishing ends (must be off water)

 6:00pm - Live Music begins

 6:30pm - Check in & late Registration ends

 6:30pm - 7:00pm - Optional Rules Q&A Session (Pavillion)

 7:00pm - whenever -  Food, drinks, music, games - HAVE FUN!

 Friday - "Afternoon Sesh"  4-hour afternoon sesh to get the tournament started

6:30 am - Launching/Lines in. "Check in" on TourneyX app

7:00pm - Lines out; day 1 fishing ends

8:15pm - All fish submission photos due

8:15pm - 8:30pm - LIVE Day 1 recap & Day 2 ID released

 Saturday - "Send it Saturday" presented by Uncle Larry's Outdoors #neverendthesend

TBA dude to Weather. Check friday's live stream for updates. 

7:30pm - whenever - Afterparty @ The Flying Taco Mexican Grill (KAS has rented out entire upstairs)

   - Travel Safe...see you at the next adventure

Official Preview Show

Learn all about "Fiesta on the Susky" by watching our official preview show!


Eastside Riverfront Park

Location of the Opening & Closing Ceremony Outdoor Socials                       

Fiesta on the Susky's "Adventure Course"

Towanda, PA

Eligible water, hard boundaries, launch boundaries, opening and closing ceremonies etc

Interactive Adventure Course Map >>>>
Eligible Core Bodies of Water**

North Branch Susquehanna River {} Chemung River 

** including any and all free flowing canals, creeks & rivers feeding them. When scouting (online or in person) track all tributaries upstream until you hit any of the following man-made obstacles - solid or earthen dam, or road, culvert or pipe etc that you cannot kayak under/over. Any of these are hard KAS boundaries. A "spillway" or "lowhead" type dam is legal  in KAS and anglers can fish & access above & below them. They are just "running the river" and are different from "solid or earthen" dams that have water flowing under the dam via a pipe or drain (think neighborhood or farm ponds, private lakes etc) or through larger outflows or turbines on larger public lake dams. If the water above in a larger public lake is legal in KAS it will be marked and listed as one of your "core" bodies of water on this page/map. If not, then it is not legal for the event. 
Anglers must access "legally" and "publicly." If you find any water, or access, you feel may not be covered by the interactive map, preview video, or rules standards please contact the KAS Tournament Director prior to the event for clarification or risk being DQ'd if it is later deemed to be not eligible. For help determining "public" access you can also refer to the official Farwide Flowchart
Image by Jake Hills
Click play to take a tour of the eligible water for "Fiesta on the Susky." This is just a general preview of the eligible water to get you excited about the waters you're about to explore! Refer to the map above for a more precise and interactive experience 
showing all core bodies of water and any boundaries.
Here's the story on this one. So, you have essentially 4 approaches to choose. You fish the main North Branch Susquehanna below the Chemung confluence. Or, fish it where its much smaller above the confluence or fish the Chemung River. The final strategy that may come into play are the creeks. Can someone find 5 big ones in one of the smaller tributaries to this grand river? IOne thing for sure, this decision will be a big part in what makes or breaks it for our winner!

Towanda Area Sites & Family Activities

Enjoy a town full of history, scenery, great restaurants, breweries and

excellent facilities for the good times we'll have! 

© 2023 Kayak Adventure Series

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